Convergence Communication and Networking Lab

Limei Peng Professor

Limei Peng

College of Engineering Building 9, Room

About Lab.

Our lab works on a wide range of research topics related to the fields of Cloud/Fog computing, 5G/6G Communications, IoT, etc., with the objective of efficiently provisioning the legacy Cloud services and the emerging IoT services efficiently. We aim at solving the technical problems systematically from the network interconnection architecture, to wired/wireless communication, resource management, job scheduling, localization/positioning, cognitive IoT, emotion-aware technologies, etc., based on theoretical and experimental approaches, such as graph theory, markov chain, optimization, deep learning, etc.

About Prof.


  • 2019.10-present: Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University
  • 2018.03-2019.09: Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, College of IT, Kyungpook National University
  • 2014.03-2018.02: Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University
  • 2013.09-2014.02: Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science, Chung-Ang University
  • 2011.04-2013.08: Associate Professor, Soochow University (China)

Major Research

  • 5G, 6G communication, vehicle communication